
Technical writing is one of my principal skills.

In my professional career I have become proficient in an array of technical writing tasks including country assessments proposal writing, grant solicitations, monitoring visits and progress reports.

My expertise in the complex task of producing country assessments is best exemplified by two reports I prepared: the 2010 Haiti Report and the 2013 Lao PDR report.

These reports were developed in very different circumstances. The Haiti report, required as matter of urgency to shape US Government’s response, was prepared working for weeks in the very demanding and harsh conditions existing in Haiti immediately after the 2010 earthquake. The Lao PDR report, whilst equally vital to US Government’s plans, required a more measured and in depth approach was written as a supplement to a monitoring visit conducted in 2013.

Does your organization need support writing technical content? Do you need background facts, figures, statistics, data, advice and guidance specific to a particular country or region prior to a program proposal or implementation?

Contact EITEL GLOBAL to share your ideas.